ZETA Potential Analyzer

ZETA Potential Analyzer

ZETA Potential measuring instrument by measuring particles Zeta potential to get electric point ,it is an important method of understanding particle surface electrical properties, is also an important means for surface treatment of the particles.

ZETA Potential Analyzer 

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • ZETA-PM94 Series

    Solid micro electrophoresis instrument (Zeta potential instrument) can be used to determine the dispersion of particulate matter - liquid interface is electrically (ζ potential), can also be used to measure the emulsion droplet interface electrical properties can also be used to determine the isoelectric point, Interfacial Reaction mechanism process.

  • ZETA-PM01

    The company produces ZETA-PM94 Series micro electrophoresis instrument is to measure the particle electrical equipment, due to ZETA-PM94 Series micro electrophoresis instrument is more suitable dilute dispersion system, and for the concentrated dispersion, the ZETA-PM01 series of thick paste electrophoresis more applicable.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items