Petroleum & Oil Testing

Petroleum & Oil Testing

Flash point tester, Viscosity meter, distillation tester, Sulfur content analyzer, denesty tester, vapor pressure tester, oxidation stability tester, octane & cetane analyzer

Petroleum & Oil Testing 

  • Flash Point Tester

    Used to determine the flash point and fire point of lubricating oil and Dark petroleum products.

  • Engler Viscometer

    It is used to determine the ratio obtained by dividing the time of flow, in s, of 200 ml of material using an Engler viscometer at a selected temperature by a factor representing the time of flow, in s, for an equal volume of water at 20 °C. The ratio is the Engler viscosity of the sample.


  • Water Content Tester

    Designed and made as per the National Standard of GB/T11133, ASTM D 1744 “Test Methods for Water Content of Liquid Petroleum Products (Karl Fischer Methods)

  • Kinematics Viscometer

    It is suitable to determine kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum products

  • Distillation Tester

    Distillation Tester is suitable to determine distillate of engine fuel, solvent oil, and light petroleum products.

  • Density Tester

    Petroleum Density Tester suitable to determine density of crude & liquid petroleum products

  • Rust & Corrosion Tester

    Rust & corrosion tester for testing liquefied petroleum gas copper corrosion & lubricating oil rust characteristics.

  • Sulphur Content Tester

    Petroleum & Oil Sulphur Content Tester specially designed to determine sulfur content in the petroleum products

  • Acid & Alkali Tester

    Petroleum Acid and Alkali Tester is suitable to determine water soluble acid and alkali in the liquid petroleum products, additive, lubricating grease, wax, and waxy products.

  • Dropping Point Tester

    Dropping Point Tester (Oil Bath) is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T4929 “Test Methods for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease” and ASTM D 566. It is suitable to determine dropping point of lubricating grease.

  • Demulsibility Tester

    Demulsibility Tester Manufacturers & Suppliers in China, conforms to ASTM D 1401 suitable to determine the ability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids to separate from water.

  • Aniline Point Tester

    It is suitable to determine aniline point of light petroleum products and dark petroleum products.

  • Ash Content Tester

    The apparatus is limited to petroleum products which are free from added ash-forming additives, including certain phosphorus compounds.

  • Low Temperature Tester

    Petroleum Low Temperature Tester include Solidifying Point Tester, Freezing Point Tester,  Plugging Point Filter, Pour and Cloud Point Tester and etc.

  • Residue Carbon Tester

    Petroleum Products Carbon Residue Tester conforms to ASTM D189, D524, D2158 to test the carbon residue value of petroleum oil & Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases

  • Existent Gum Tester

    Existent Gum Tester suitable to determine existent gum of vehicle gasoline, aviation gasoline, volatile distillate, and aviation turbine fuels 

  • Vapor Pressure Tester

    Vapor Pressure Tester conforms to ASTM D323 & D1267; suitable to determine vapor pressure of gasoline, volatile petroleum and other volatile petroleum products.

  • Oxidation Stability Tester

    Petroleum Oxidation Stability Tester conforms to ASTM D2272, D525, D2274 standard. Used to determine oxidation stability of gasoline.

  • Foaming Characteristic Tester

    Lubricating Oils Foaming Characteristic Tester conforms to ASTM D892 Standard.

  • Bomb Calorimeter

    It has been widely used to determine heat value of coal, oils, tar, and paraffin, etc. 

  • Octane & Cetane Analyzer

    Portable octane analyzer is used for instant octane rating of motor gasoline, corresponding to motor and research methods (RON and MON) as well as for cetane number of diesel fuels.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 46 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 46 items