Rotary Evaporator

Rotary Evaporator

rotary evaporator (or rotavap/rotovap) is a device used in chemical laboratories for the efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation.

rotary evaporator (or rotavap/rotovap) is a device used in chemical laboratories for the efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation.


Rotary Evaporator 

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • 2L

    The equipment for purification distillation test rotates and shapes a thin film in negative pressure condition by heating, evaporates efficiently, and then condenses and recollects solvent to purify and separate.

  • RE-LA

    Large capacity, large diameter rotary evaporator flask, evaporation area, the vacuum water bath, while rotating edge heating, evaporation of the solution diffusion efficiency can be used for biological, pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other small scale areas, Chinese and production.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items